Rancang Bangun Plugin untuk Sistem Informasi Akademik dengan Ajax dan Web Services

  • Haris Kolengsusu Universitas Darussalam Ambon
Keywords: Database EPSBED, wordpress plugin, Ajax, jQuery, XML SOAP and JSON, web services client push


Campus information systems can be developed by utilizing the data EPSBED owned by universities and integrated with wordpress plugin facilities, to facilitate the implementation and utilization of an information system by using wordpress for the main application and Ajax and jQuery to simplify intransforming data transaction, (data source) in college for the necessity of the data upload processing, export data and facilities on the wp-siakad. By using XML SOAP and JSON can make web service client push data to PDPT for transfering data reporting semester to DIKTI, such university students master, master course, lecture transaction, semester grades transaction, the history of student status ransaction and lecturer activities history transaction.the Utilization of Ajax and jQuery with JSON communication model can be used to create web service for searching students data.
